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The Hexagram Method is basically suitable for male apprentices.

In our modern society, all values ​​seem to quickly negate each other, nothing is precisely defined anymore and even one's own sexuality sometimes seems to waver.
However, since the Magick apprenticeship will fundamentally be a practical one, I felt the need to distinguish between two pathways, simply because man and woman are not at all equal!
Even today men (whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or whatever) have particular physical characteristics, such as testicles and seminal fluid.
How can we think that in a way of transformation we can ignore these differences, deemed so powerful by nature that make it an absolute priority?

The power of a man is in his seed, and from there we must start to develop a magical approach that can really bring complete effects.
Let us not mince our words, the ultimate purpose of Magick is one and one only: the Immortality
Following my experiences, I added the word Freedom, which leads to total Immortality.
Technically, with Magick, you can live a very long life, the most desperate crossings and attempts can be made, but this will not guarantee absolute freedom.
A classic example is vampiric immortality that, is real, but constantly requires psychic or even physical nourishment.
I am amused by the development of absurd New Age beliefs, in which all that is required to complete the Great Work, is a bit of visualization and a good breathing technique.

I would also like to point out that the Hexagram Method is not what is commonly referred to as a solar path. In fact, we will be looking at both lunar and solar aspects (should it be necessary to define them in this way), precisely because we will be following the individual traits, peculiarities and potentials of each apprentice. 


There may also be a few, very few women whose energy composition is predisposed to the hexagram path, but they are exceptions to the rule, and moreover, these women will have to interrupt their menstrual cycle forever, using the techniques and knowledge that will be shared with them.


The main purpose of the first grade, is the creation and stabilization of a balanced flow of energy.
Balance is the key for the Apprentice, and obtaining it will entail dissecting and eliminating all social conditioning and that which has been artificially imposed on one's own psyche.

In fact, almost without realizing it, through the use of magical techniques, the initial fundamental purification process will happen: the Hermetic Closure. 
Only this, in fact, will allow the apprentice to have enough energy to face the ensuing grades.
He will learn the basics of Ritual Magick (particularly focusing on defense methods and techniques), how to activate the Natural Magick that surrounds him and how to recognize and evoke elemental forces (the Cross of Elements).

This is the right time to dedicate oneself to so-called low Magick, in other words, rituals aimed at purely material gain.

Thus, details of one's daily life will be organized (and will therefore be in harmony and balance).

If you cannot balance your accounts at the end of the month, it will be difficult for you to seriously embark on a spiritual journey. 


The Neophyte instead goes to fix and coagulate what has previously been successfully dissolved (solve et coagula). This is the grade of strength of character, will and tenacity. 
Without a shadow of doubt, in this way we achieve creation of the "Golden Wheat", even if at this stage it is still "crude gold," because the "mercury" has not yet been purified. 
To return completely to your center, at rest, like a king who has returned to the throne, that is his by rights, will also awaken some latent powers, otherwise known as magical powers.
The Neophyte ends up learning the basic notions of Ritual Magick, how to notice subtle changes and the properties of vital breath.  He learns to use magnetism both for himself and for therapeutic purposes and he deepens his knowledge and practice of the Earth's Magick and recognize thought-forms.


Standing firmly with solid and stable roots, it's time to "fly". The Seer will learn the art and knowledge of the subtle bodies: SATURNIAN, LUNAR, Venusian, Martian, Jovian, MERCURIAL, SOLAR.
He will acquire the skill of exploring different worlds from ours, which are completely real and concrete. He will visit their inhabitants (especially those of the elemental worlds) in search of knowledge and gifts of power.

This is actually the purification and distillation of "mercury", which detaches itself from the stone in which it was imprisoned.
The Seer learns and explores the fundamental secrets of Astral Magick (negromancy), of Planetary Magick, learns to awaken the subtle senses and to use them even for therapeutic  purposes, performing mapping and diagnosis of the subtle bodies, beginning a relationship with beings from other planes, learning how to create and maintain forms in the Astral world, creating his own fixed and stable Magick Temple in a specific location of ​​the astral plane, knocking at the doors of the Ekkiu School of Magick, which is located in the astral plane.

The Seer acquires a first real form of Immortality.


True initiation relates to Nigredo, or the Phase of Blackness, Initiation of Death, must take place within you ... nobody can give it to you.
Since you are united within yourself, sometimes this phase is called mystical marriage, or even alchemical marriage. 
It is an experience which only occurs when one is mature enough, it cannot be forced, nor must one be excessively concerned about it.
When we explore the dark depths of ourselves (the Elixir of Vitriol technique) we will see shadows, negativity, suffering and black, darker than black. Once you have passed what is known as "the Guardian of the Threshold", you will see instead blacker than black. There is no going back, the dissolution, putrefaction is complete, the fire boils alone and there is nothing left.      Requiem adeptus est   (the Adept is dead).
Many have tried to describe Nigredo as something psychological, or as a feeling, but it is not!

Having personally had this all-encompassing experience, I can state that it is the opposite, that Nigredo happens just when you are left with absolutely no emotion or feeling.
From this moment on, the work takes on a totally different turn, difficult to explain because the teachings continue on subtle planes.

The Initiate acquires mastery in the Magick of Water and Fire, and only in this grade can he affirm that "we burn with Water and wash with Fire".


Albedo (the Phase of Whiteness). I don’t want to write about this, not only because it would be completely useless, but also because it would give too much food to curious people who only want to steal information from here or there.
I can only say that, at this grade, the Initiate becomes literally Sanctified until He knows and allows himself to be completely guided by Divine principles. This is the Knowledge and also the origin of Divine Magick, which however is not absolutely what is found in the grimoires of the last centuries… i.e. Jewish or Arabic. Perhaps I am the first to state that this is not Divine Magick, but for those who are cut out for it and who are completely sincere, it is actually Angelic Magick.
Egyptian Magick comes closer. Actually, it really is Divine, but in my opinion, it is too adorned with cryptic and excessive symbolism. One must “slalom" here and there in order to follow authentic Divine Egyptian Magick, but a pure initiatory line actually does exist.



It is not absolutely necessary to reach this grade, since the perfect Priest will already be forced to perform Rubedo (the phase of Redness) at the time of the dissolution of the physical body.
However, whoever is ready in life to reach the final act of transmutation to purest Gold (performed through a procedure referred to as Citrinitas or the Phase of Yellowness ) will transmute divine power into Action.

I do not want to go further, leaving your intuition to attempt to see what a Magician's potentials may actually be. 


If your thirst for Knowledge is weak… 

     If your will to cross the Threshold of the Temple doors             is one of many desiers …
If your Heart is not completely sincere…
leave the Magick because it is Female

and She wants Everything.

But if the Truth lives within your Heart
And your Eyes are Flame,
This is the Right Place for You.


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