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This page offers you the unique opportunity to undertake an apprenticeship with a real Magician.  Beyond deception, beyond all secrecy, with light being the only truth. 
My name is Ekkiu, and I have been practicing Magick since the age of fourteen, according to exact instructions from my personal master (Ax).
I chose to adopt a one to one apprenticeship program for two reasons:

1- It is the only way to learn real Magick, since its lessons are not generic (they never were) and everyone has their own energetic peculiarities which must be conformed to. Everyone has their own way and it is not for the master to distract you from your path, he is the one who opens your eyes so that you can see clearly.

2- Joining groups to discuss and exchange ideas for a lengthy period of time will inevitably create a group soul. 
It is not my intention to create these types of entities.

The apprenticeship is composed of several parts.

There are certain components which need to be available in writing so that they can be read and re-read.

AUDIO FILES.These are spontaneous teachings and insights regarding specific topics.  The sound of the voice always transmits energy in a direct way, a quality which is not present in written work. Which is why some things always need to be conveyed orally.

All participants will be anonymous and you will be able to ask me anything you want.  You will also have the opportunity to listen to other apprentices and often the right questions will be asked by others.  Moreover, every web meeting has a theme, which renders it a real seminar, for all intents and purposes.

Here you will find guidance regarding points of the body which need to be touched or certain hand positions etc., for anyone who should require this.
A preview of the first apprenticeship video is available at the bottom of this page.

To be honest, it will also be necessary to conduct meetings in person (at no additional cost, apart from the trip expenses).  Every effort will be made to keep these to a minimum, but some will be essential.  These meetings will usually last 2 - 3 days and will be used to convey lessons requiring your physical presence, to graduate from one level to the next, to practice some specific techniques together and also to manually copy some manuscript pages which I have in my possession.

An internal forum where you will not only be able to compare yourself on who is making a journey similar to yours, but you will also find many of my videos, photos and exclusive materials.

You will be able to communicate with me at any time.  I will provide contact details and will answer you promptly.


This  journey you are about to begin is not only a physical one, it is an entire pathway.

The teachings will always be supported by practical lessons and are not fixed.


Everything depends, quite rightly, on your progress and on you overcoming certain barriers,

It could take a day to finish a lesson, or a year…… it will basically depend on you. 
It is your Soul Journey...

What kind of Magick is practiced?

Magick as Science, as an ultimate way to free yourself from the chains that hold you “to the ground”.  It is ONE and it has always been ONE.


What occurred in the past was, on the one hand the loss of this Science and subsequent introduction of all kinds of ritualistic superstructures, and, on the other hand, the embellishment of Magick with cultural traditions from different countries.

The Magick you are going to learn and practice is primordial and does not follow any specific tradition, it does, however, follow an aspect which is never considered: yourself.


The entire apprenticeship serves to awaken your personal approach to Magick, awakening and directing the Forces within you.  It is not meant to spred you with magic system, it is designed to awaken you.


I will only show you the way, the doors….. You will be the one who actually opens them.  Rightly so, everyone has an individual way that is best for them.


Perhaps this is the first time that such an opportunity is available online, because in the past, this kind of information was only conveyed ''from mouth to ear''.


The whole Apprenticeship tends to give you the full bases of Jewish and Arabian Magick in the first year, with the precise purpose of overcoming them and going far beyond them.  Unfortunately, due to some Magicians from the last centuries, we are now led to believe that the only Western tradition, is that of Jewish Magick.  But it is not at all like that.


Once again, the Magick you are going to learn is Primordial.

Can you tell me something more about the content?
Of course, click on the following diagram to see the general outline. The actual details of the Journey are reserved for the apprentice and not for the curious.


Is it Suitable for Everyone ?
I must be honest about this.
Despite being an opportunity offered to all, not everyone will be suitable for a one to one Apprenticeship.

Many prefer group activities, or belonging to an order, but the Magick that I teach does not create egregore.


To tell the truth, I have to say that only a few, very few, will be really determined and be able to cope with the Apprenticeship of Magick.  After all, this has always been the case since ancient times…


So, give serious consideration to the sincerity of your Will and to your readiness to see this through until the end.


It is not a path that goes against your principles, but rather one that leads you to yourself.

However, the real difference is that it is something Real.  And, as you know, reality always scares.

How do I register?
Registration is required with a payment of 490€   (annual membership). 
You will receive a prompt email from the secretary, with all the instructions for registering your information.




Since the individual qualities of each apprentice will emerge and reawaken during the apprenticeship, you may discover that you are in tune with an intersecting pathway.

In each case, the pathway which resonates with each person’s heartbeat, will be fully explored, using apprenticeship guidelines only as a foundation.

I, Ekkiu, am not the bearer of any particular tradition, as Tradition encompasses all traditions.  What must be awakened, already exists in your soul; what must be communicated, does not require words.


If during the apprenticeship you notice a particular affinity, you only need to let me know.


The specific pathways which are currently available and being followed by some of my disciples, are:



I have read a lot of online material and some books regarding this subject… there are some who associate it with Satanism, some with the Qliphoth of Hebrew tradition (!), some with Nordic legends, and some with medieval beliefs.


In all honesty, this information is false, written by people who are not in touch with the true powers of dragons, which are in fact real powers, present as everything inside and outside of us, which have much to do with power and profound, primordial knowledge of the abysses.


We need a lot of courage and a complete dominion over ourselves to even consider approaching Draconian Magick.  The powers with which we come into contact, are independent and not human, so they are not interested in pleasing us, nor in our desires (as we might believe).


There are very few apprentices who are called to this path, they are those who have affinities with the dark arts.  Dark does not mean bad, because good and bad are just human adjectives.

Dark means that we use Darkness, Night, Abysses and Emptiness, instead of Light, the Sun and radiant Infinity.


To awaken, to know, to elevate the power of healing within ourselves and within existence itself, is not only a practice, but a way of life.

It is a mission, the choice to live in service of the suffering, with the intention of giving them Medicine.

Not everyone is inclined to be a Magick Healer, but whoever is, usually has a very strong calling from an early age.


If you are already familiar with my methods, you will know that we do not pray to any Gods or Angels, but rather, we will learn the frequency range that manifests Healing.  From here, we will put techniques and all their variations into practice, in ways that you will not find anywhere else.



I offer you the opportunity to try the Apprenticeship of Magick for two weeks !

If for any reason you decide to terminate it, you will get a 100% refund.



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